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Universal Hope

Posted by URSCanada on May 21, 2016 in Community | Comments Off on Universal Hope

Once again Melanie & Adele did a fantastic job organizing the “Universal Hope” team for the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life on May 7th.

Our team raised over $2000 for cancer research!

Melanie and Adele have been organizing a team for the past 5 years. This takes a lot of their time and effort each year Prince George hosts the 24 hour relay.

The younger members enjoyed the weekend with a few sticking it out the full 24 hours!

Everybody in some way has been affected by cancer, the Universal Hope team along with 100’s of other people raise money to one day find a cure. You can always help with your time or a donation – or even just a smile to someone who needs some encouragement.

Relay for life donate

It’s never too late to donate! Well, maybe after the cure is found it will be, but that would be a great day!

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